Everyone wants exit polls results in the 2008 Presidential election, and the earlier the better. Well, Dixville Notch, NH, is traditionally the first (or one of) the first place to report results in every election and every primary. And the votes are in ...

Exit polls 2008 from Dixville Notch, NH: Obama wins 15 - 6. Yes, Dixville Notch is not exactly a megalopolis, but it continues the tradition, first started in 1960, til this day.

It should be noted that voting results from 2004 were decidedly different: Bush beat Kerry 19 - 7, and Dixville Notch has not voted for a Democrat since 1968!

At the same time, voting results are also in from neighboring Hart's Location, which reported 17 votes for Obama, 10 for McCain and two for write-in Ron Paul.

Yep, in 2008, who cares about exit polls when you have the actual results, right? Don't expect voting to go as smoothly, or without long lines, in the rest of the country.

Dixville Notch has a well organized voting process: all the eligible voters gather at midnight in the ballroom of The Balsams. Voters cast their ballots and the polls officially close one minute later.

Vote fast, or voting results won't include you, it seems.

Hart's Location halted its "competition" for the first vote in the 1964, but again started up early voting in 1996. It actually has an earlier tradition than Dixville Notch, beginning in 1948, but with the 1964 halt, Dixville Notch gets the majority of news nowadays, regarding early voting results.

So, exit polls of 2008 (or rather voting results 2008) from the two earliest "townships" show Obama in the lead. More to come, obviously, as the battleground states weigh in.