Renowned Swiss birdman Yves Rossy has, after several weather-related setbacks, finally flown over the English Channel using his unique backpack jetplane. But hurtling at more than 125 mph the self-styled Fusionman soon became recognisable to the cheering crowd as he soared over the White Cliffs of Dover.
Less than 15 minutes after leaping from a plane 8,000 ft above Calais and cruising 22 miles across the English Channel, the Swiss adventurer parachuted to earth, securing his place in history.
Called Fusionman because he is half-man, half bird, he has become the first person to cross the English Channel using just a home made rocket powered wing strapped to his back. Yves Rossy, the 49-year-old airline pilot also known as Rocket Man, or more recently, Fusion Man, has become the first person to fly across the English Channel wearing jet-powered wings.
Rossy started his four miniature turbine engines, then dropped from a Pilatus chase plane over France just before 1 p.m. Friday, unfolded his fiberglass wings and blasted into the record books. "Everything was perfect," he told reporters on the ground in England. "I showed that it is possible to fly a little bit like a bird." Aided by a stiff tail wind, he crossed the iconic body of water in nine minutes, 32 seconds, about two minutes earlier than planned.
The abbreviated flight meant he had fuel left for some celebratory aerobatics over the crowd gathered to witness the feat. He then folded his wings and deployed his parachute before a somewhat ungraceful face plant on English soil. Rossy pioneered the strap-on wing concept three years ago and video of his flight over Switzerland has become a YouTube classic. Now, the enigmatic Swiss has his sights set on the western U.S. where he plans to fly over the Grand Canyon.
The flight was so smooth for the real-life rocketman he even had time to carry out a few loops over the British coastline before pulling the rip cord and parachuting to earth.
Rossy, 49, whose day job is an airline pilot, had to shelve his two previous attempts to enter the record books due to poor British weather but a blue autumn skies meant conditions were perfect.
Rossy landed near Dover in southern England after flying across the English Channel. He parachuted on to British soil near the South Foreland lighthouse.
Rossy, a former military pilot, traced the route of French aviation pioneer Louis Bleriot, who became the first person to fly across the Channel in a plane 99 years ago.
A pilot with Swiss International Air Lines - overcame significant challenges, not least the container ships passing through the Channel.
He had never flown for longer than 10 minutes and his wing weight and measurements were precise, with even the addition of a tiny camera possibly affecting how long he could stay in the air.
One day he hopes his invention will become common place and hopes to form a Red Arrow's style display team.
Yves Rossy Crosses English Channel Using a Single, Jet-Propelled Wing
by Admin | 11:41 AM in English Channel, Fusion Man, Jet-Propelled Wing, Rocket Man, Yves Rossy |
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