FBIThe FBI wants you. It's looking to hire agents, language specialists, computer experts, intelligence analysts and finance experts.

FBI Special Agent Scott Wilson of the Cleveland field office says the FBI needs to fill 2,100 professional staff vacancies and hire 850 additional special agents. The FBI said on Monday it had launched one of the largest hiring blitzes in its 100-year history involving 2,100 professional staff vacancies and 850 special agents aimed at filling its most critical vacancies.

Wanted by the FBI: agents, language specialists, computer experts, intelligence analysts and finance experts.

Wilson said the two FBI sites can tell you which jobs are available where. He noted that job requirements are listed for the specific jobs.

Special agents have a mandatory retirement age of 57 but there is no age limit for other job classifications. Wilson said special agents are hired between the ages of 23 and 36.

Wilson said the FBI hirings apply not only to the headquarters in Washington D.C. but to nearly all of the 56 field offices, like the one in Cleveland.

"We're also looking for professionals in a wide variety of fields who have a deep desire to help protect our nation from terrorists, spies, and others who wish us harm," Raucci said.

He said the FBI, which has been investigating corporate wrongdoing in connection with the current financial crisis, also needs finance and accounting experts, along with those skilled in physical surveillance and various other employees.

The hiring initiative for FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., and for its field offices would replace departed staff and add some employees, officials said. (Reporting by James Vicini, Editing by Jackie Frank)